Ideas for Lent (March 2025)
Dear Friends
March brings us to Lent, with Ash Wednesday on 5th. Lent is traditionally a season for checking in one how we might be doing spiritually. Rooted in the gospel accounts in Matthew and Luke of Jesus going into the wilderness to be tested and tempted straight after his baptism, the Church quickly turned to the idea of mirroring his 40 days of self-reflection. We don’t know exactly when Lent entered the Christian calendar, but the assumption is that it came early, even whilst the first apostles still lived. It was already a time for preparation ahead of the huge celebration of Easter. As Easter was the one moment in the year when converts were baptised, Lent became their time of preparation as they delved deep into the faith and looked hard at themselves. It was a time for honest confession of all that isn’t right within and around us, and a time of giving to those in need. One meal a day was all that folk had, breaking the fast each evening, with meat, fish, eggs and butter forbidden.
Whilst Orthodox churches have tended to retain pretty strict rules around the things to do and give up for Lent, Roman Catholic and Reformed traditions relaxed gradually, and especially during the second world war. All of which has had me exploring the internet’s treasures to see what sorts of suggestions float around for ways to keep Lent. I wonder if any of these might just be a gift heading your way; an opportunity to let Lent reframe a bit of the day each day so that we have space to contemplate where we are with our journey with Christ and one another. Here are ten possibilities of stuff to give up:
- If you drive a lot with the radio or music playing, try driving in silence and see what thoughts flow.
- Pick one day each week and give up electronic media (TV, phone, radio, etc.). Maybe read the Bible in the space created.
- Donate 40 items to a charity shop – one or two each day.
- Try going as plastic-free as humanly possible.
- Think of something you buy regularly, and stop buying it for Lent. Donate the money saved somewhere.
- Refuse to be negative about others and situations. Look for and highlight just the positives.
- If you tend to compare yourself to others, stop doing so. Instead, celebrate the unique wonder that God has made in making just you by noticing all you bring to the world.
- Slim your wardrobe – pick just 10 items (excluding underwear and coat) and rotate these through Lent. Then notice if there are things you seldom wear to offer to a charity shop.
- Give up one luxury.
- Stay off social media (Facebook, X, etc.) for a spell each day, or more.
And here are ten possibilities of stuff to try:
- Start a list headed “This day, I’m grateful for…” and fill it in each day.
- Pick a time that works for you and try silence for five minutes daily.
- Choose someone in particular and spend time each day praying for them (without needing to tell them you’re doing so).
- Volunteer for something new.
- Pick a book of the Bible you are less familiar with. Work out how much of it you need to read each day to read it all in 40 days. Then just enjoy the ride!
- Pick one news item each week and let that inform your prayers and discover more about the issues through doing your own research.
- Acknowledge if there’s someone you find it harder to like, and deliberately try to build a better relationship with them.
- Memorize a Bible verse that really speaks to you – maybe one verse each week.
- Go out of your way to notice and give thanks for God’s creation through what you see around you or online.
- Write a letter or a card and post it to someone who might not expect it – perhaps simply wishing them well and appreciating them. Maybe do one a week to different people.
Yours in Christ,