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Are you looking for worship? Do you long to find a place for some peace and quiet and a chance to pray on your own? Have you wondered about joining a church? Have you got friends and family looking for a church to belong to? Would you like to explore what Christianity is all about? Would you like to discover more about the Bible and being friends with Jesus? Fancy a place to drop in for a chat and a hot drink, and quite possibly cake too? Responding to questions like these have already brought many of us together in our church. Here are some of the opportunities we can offer to help your own journey If any of these interest you, please contact us and we’ll see where we go from there.
Worship with us

Sundays, 10:30am, is our main act of worship. Normally services last about an hour. We stream live online and record to our You Tube channel for those who can’t make it in person. Our worship style is relaxed with traditional and contemporary hymns and worship songs, readings from the Bible, opportunities for prayer and a sermon applying the Bible to life today. Often the organ supports our singing, but we also have musicians who can lead us. With our highly flexible spaces we sometimes create a very different feel by creating a café setting for more informal worship. On the first Sunday of each month we share the bread and wine of Communion with everyone invited to receive (members or not of any church). There’s a warm welcome to refreshments served in our hall after the service. We are looking to grow more opportunities for regular worship, including a reflective Sunday evening service.
Creche and Junior Church
We delight in having families with children of different ages worshipping with us. As part of our regular Sunday services we have a creche so that parents or carers can safely leave their youngest to have fun whilst relaxing into our worship. Most Sundays, after starting the service all together with the adults, our older children and young people meet for their own group to share time exploring faith together through all sorts of activities.
Join Us for a Chat with Refreshments
Twice a week we open our building to anyone who wants to pop in for a chat and a hot drink. There is regularly cake as well, depending upon who has been baking! There are always biscuits. Our Drop In runs from 2:00 to 4:00pm every Tuesday and 10:00am to 12 noon every Friday. Some people stay for the whole time. Others just enjoy being with us before they go on their way.
Pray with Us
Alongside the Friday morning Drop In, anyone who wants to can join with others in another part of our building for a relaxed time of prayer, from 10:30 to 10:50am. We share thoughts about situations to pray for and take it in turns to lead the prayers and bring a thought for the day. And then we join in with the refreshments.
Sometimes it is good simply to find a quiet oasis in the midst of our busy lives; time to stop, rest, contemplate; pray and simply be. We open our church every Wednesday from 10:00am to 12 noon for anyone to come and sit quietly in our beautiful sanctuary. You don’t have to do anything and, although someone will always be around in case a chat would be helpful, you don’t need to talk. Simply come and let the space and God’s welcome enfold you.
Exploring Faith, Following Jesus and Breaking the Bible Open
We’re always exploring fresh opportunities to gather for conversations about life, faith and everything. We want to grow as followers of Jesus, able to ask our big and little questions. We love the Bible and want to explore it more. We’re regularly developing fresh opportunities to meet, reflect, talk, learn, imagine and explore.Relaxing Together
Do you enjoy walking? Do you like watching movies? Are you a reader of novels? Is poetry your thing? How about creativity and craft? We regularly have groups that meet to enjoy these sorts of activities. You would be welcome to any or all of them: Thursday mornings, 10:00 to 12:00 noon, Art Group. Whatever your experience and whatever your style, come along and enjoy working on your own pieces in the friendly company of others of our church who paint and draw.
Community groups and activities
And then there are all the community groups and activities regularly using our buildings
We work hard to ensure that our buildings can be a resource for the local community. We are blessed by the whole site being easily accessible for everyone. Our rebuilt Bradbury Hall offers excellent facilities. You’ll find details about most of our regular users on the Bradbury Hall page. All enquiries about using our spaces can come to our office and Administrator, Katie. You’ll find the contact details on this website.